
Is Now the Right Time to Buy a House in the UK

So far 2024 has proven to be a stable property market with house prices remaining at their current level for the first half of the year with no house price falls. Now that we have entered the second half of the year we are starting see house prices slightly rise. no sign of decline and […]

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More First Time Buyer Transactions than Existing Homeowners

The proof is in the numbers that the stamp duty tax is wreaking havoc on the property market. For the first time in 20 years, there are more first time buyers than those who already own a home. There were 170,000 people who moved house during the first half of 2018, this figure is down […]

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Will the Stamp Duty Cut actually Help First Time Buyers?

The property market is a fickle industry, often left to speculation and trial and error. It’s a well-known problem in the UK that property prices are too high and first-time buyers are pushed out. The Stamp Duty tax has been blamed for the housing market slow-down but Chancellor Phillip Hammond, as part of his measures […]

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Is the Stamp Duty Rise Affecting Property Prices?

We have heard a lot about the stamp duty changes that took place on April 1, 2016 but now that it has been over a year since they were put in place we can start to see the effects of the changes. So, what exactly are the changes and who has been most affected by […]

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Buyers are Unwilling to Pay Overpriced House Prices

In a property market like the U.K. where demand frequently soars higher than supply, it’s assumed to be a seller’s market, however, recent data is showing that buyers might be taking control. We previously reported that sellers were being too optimistic with the price they advertise their home for, it now appears that buyers are […]

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Tough Climate for New House Buyers

The Redfern Review showed that the amount of young people owning a home has decreased by more than 20% in the last decade and they’re calling for a long-term approach to housing issues. The independent Redfern Review recently revealed that anybody born after 1985 has become a generation of renters as the extraordinarily high housing […]

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Who’s Actually Buying Property at the Moment?

The UK Property market has made a few surprising U-turns since we came out of an official recession in 2011 and since then sentiment has been ever changing, it seems that last year had a more positive outlook to what has become apparent this year. Not only have predictions changed but the face of UK […]

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First time House Buyers Finding it Impossible to Buy

In the competitive UK housing market there are often people who find the housing ladder far easier than others. First time buyers in the UK continue to be one of the hardest hit demographics and this has been proven as home sales continue to decline for buyers who are unable to get on the housing […]

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Highest amount of House Buyers in Over 10 Years

The housing market is more of the same across the United Kingdom. Rising house prices, inadequate demand and first-time house buyers are being pushed down the housing ladder. Two years ago the UK had a competitive market. There were 5 house buyers chasing every property and there were more than 250 people registered at each […]

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House Prices to End the Year Higher than Predicted

The low mortgage rates, the government’s help to buy scheme and a strong job market has increased the demand from buyers, but the number of available homes on the market also remains at its lowest in recent months. The result? UK house prices ending the year 6% higher than they started it at, a group […]

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